The Ultimate Guide to Understanding UPC Codes
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The Ultimate Guide to Understanding UPC Codes

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A new company can benefit greatly by obtaining UPC codes for its products. It is the only way that companies can distribute and sell their products in a variety of Point of Sale environments that utilizes the UPC number. With Bar Codes Talk our objective is to make sure that our customers receive high quality bar.

With Bar Codes Talk our goal is to provide our customers with high quality bar codes at the best prices, eliminating the hassle, anxiety, and uncertainty associated with obtaining a UPC code number- 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

To ensure that your products can be purchased easily by consumers, knowing what type of UPC codes your company needs is crucial. In order to gain a better understanding of UPC codes, you should take the time to consider the following questions:

UPC codes: how do they work?

While there are many different types of barcodes available for retail products in the United States, the UPC symbol appears on about 80% of them, making it the most prevalent and recognizable type of product code in the country. GTIN-12 numbers are located below the barcode. Click here to buy UPC codes

Barcodes: how do they work?

Almost all products that have a point of sale will be marked with a barcode, or UPC symbol, which appears as a series of vertical black lines. There are twelve digits, which are associated with each specific product, and they are represented by the particular symbol associated with that particular product. A barcode is actually the UPC part of the code that is scanned during a Point of Sale transaction.

What is a GTIN-12? What is a UPC code made up of?

A Global Trade Identification Number is a coding system for product identification. Is it necessary to have a lot of UPC codes for my products?

Why do I need so many UPC codes?

There will be an individual UPC code that must be assigned to each of the products that you plan to sell in order to be able to sell them. In addition to the GS1 Company Prefix that has been assigned to you, you will also need to assign an individual Product Number and Check Digit to each and every product that you manufacture.

How Do UPC and EAN Differ?

By far, UPCs are the most common barcodes in the United States. European Article Numbers (EAN) are the most widely used barcodes worldwide. In these days and times, most places accept both UPC codes and EAN codes for products. However, if you plan to sell your products outside of the United States, an EAN code might prove more beneficial. A EAN barcode starts with a “0”, which is followed by a UPC-12 digit code in standard GTIN-12 format. There are 13 digits in the EAN format barcode, which start with a “0”.

Here are the steps for creating a UPC code

Since the GS1 code adheres to stringent standards, it is not permissible for a company to create its own UPC code. The Company Prefix number assigned to you by GS1, in order to create a barcode that is capable of scanning at a point of sale, must be part of the barcode. In the case of companies wanting to know how to create UPC codes, the answer is that you cannot create them on your own.

Where can I buy UPC codes?

GS1 is the one and only source from which you can obtain retail UPC codes, and you must purchase them directly from them if you wish to obtain them. However, you will need to purchase a minimum of 100 UPC symbols at a cost of $750 in order to use the GS1 system. 

The UPC symbol is subject to an annual renewal fee of $150 that is not included.

Our UPC numbers are purchased in bulk so as to simplify our customers’ lives. No matter how many UPC numbers you need, we can help! Furthermore, due to the fact that we joined GS1 in 1994, several years before they began charging renewal fees, our customers are not responsible for paying any additional fees once they have purchased their UPC symbols from us.

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