Every time we are opening a computer or smartphone, we are opening it with the help of software. Operating systems that enable the computer or smartphones to be opened and run their programs are software. So, Microsoft Windows, Android, iOS, Linux all of these things are a kind of software. Today we will try to find out What is software and how does it work, some examples of uses of software in our daily life, how software helps us to save our time, how the pricing model of software works, and Thezoomit and its software development.
What is software
“Software is referred to a set of programs which instructs the computer regarding what to do.” So, we can understand that software is mainly a helping tool to use the computer properly. Before the innovation of Windows, the software had been used by scientists around the world. For instance, scientists had used software for the Mission of Apollo 11.
The successful use of software in this mission helped the scientific community to think deeply about the future of software. Back then, using a computer was only confined to a group of people, and running the computer would need expertise. But with the innovation of Microsoft Windows, computers had become a household thing.
The revolution in the industry of computers and the use of computers by mass people in daily life had first been introduced by this famous Windows software. After that, many software had been developed continuously to assist people in various kinds of work.
How does it work
As had been said in the definition of software that software can be called to a set of programs that instructs the computer regarding what to do. So, people who have the knowledge of software development can develop a specific set of programs that the software will do.
Earlier, editing videos would be a lot more difficult task before the advent of various video editing software. For solving the problem of video editing, software like Adobe Premiere Pro had been invented. With the help of this software, anyone can easily edit videos.
But editing with this kind of software is only possible when someone is using a computer. Different software needs different configurations of the computer to run their programs. For instance, this Adobe Premiere Pro software can not be run on with the configuration of a computer that had a core i3. It is recommended to use a core i7 to run this kind of heavy software.
Also, editing photos can be done by Adobe Photoshop software. Teachers can check the copies of the students through pdf editing software like Sejda Pdf Editor and DocHub. Books can be read on software like Adobe Reader.
So, it can be understood that a lot of different types of tasks can be done on the software. But always a computer is needed to complete the tasks of software. The software can only be used on a computer. The software is not able to function separately without the help of a computer.
How software helps us to save our time
We are using software for various activities in our daily life. Now we will take a look at some of the examples where software is helping us to save time
Compiling data
Software like Microsoft Excel helps us to compile data. Moreover, any data can easily be searched and found on Microsoft Excel by using functions on this software. If the existed data on Microsoft Excel were to be searched manually to find any information without using the function of the software, it would have taken a lot of time.
Helps digitalizing data record
Government and private offices nowadays do their work online and save their file on the database. But many of these offices had a large record book of the data before the advent of computers which needs to be digitalized. If someone wants to manually put all the information of these record books on a database, it would be very time-consuming work.
But software can specially be helpful in these types of cases. The software had been invented which can scan the writings of a record book and put it on the database which helps to save a lot of time.
Business sectors
Software is also very helpful to save the time of businesses. For instance, a company can develop a special type of software to complete a particular task of the company. Nowadays, a lot of work of various business organizations is being done on software. From inventory management to the bookings of Airline tickets, the software had been invented to do these kinds of work swiftly and precisely which enables the business organizations to save their valuable time.
How the pricing model of software works
There are two types of software based on their pricing models. Free software and paid software.
Free software
This type of software is free to use and anybody with a computer can use this kind of software without paying any kind of charges. For instance, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Reader, Microsoft Powerpoint, etc. are some of the examples of free software.
Paid software
A monthly or annual fee had to be given to use this kind of software. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, are some of the examples of this kind of software.
Besides these two categories of pricing models of software, there is another kind of pricing model. This model of pricing is called the freemium model. In this model of pricing, a user can pay to use some of the features of software but he needs to pay an amount fee if he wants to use some advanced feature of the software.
For instance, Sejda Pdf Editor is a pdf editing software. Anyone can edit up to three pdf per hour for free while using this software. But if someone wants to edit more than three pdf per hour he needs to pay a certain amount of fee for using this software. This is an example of the Freemium model of pricing.
Thezoomit and Software Development
Thezoomit is a very well-known software development company. You can contact Thezoomit for software development be it for business organizations or educational institutions or for personal use. The talented, hardworking team of software developers of Thezoomit will ensure that you get the software according to your needs.