Best 360 Degree Feedback Software for Small Business: 10 Tools & Reviews of 2024
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Best 360 Degree Feedback Software for Small Business: 10 Tools & Reviews of 2024

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A brief summary of the best 360 degree feedback software, platform and tools on the online market including screenshots, key features, benefits, what to choose, integrations and pricing details.

After completing our in-depth analysis, here’s our list of the best 360 degree feedback software to help you gather some feedback from employees, their co-workers, managers, and external stakeholders.

The Best 360 Degree Feedback Software Shortlist

Here’s our shortlist of the best to consider for 360 degree feedback software I’ve covered in this listicle, plus targeted descriptions of each option below:

Ready to streamline your performance management platform? Investing in 360 degree feedback software is a considerable way to start. To help you seek the best 360 degree feedback tool, I’ve accrued a list of feedback survey options that provide unique features. They’re all easy-to-use, and will assist you improve your workflows and your overall employee experience.

List Of Top 10 Best 360 Degree Feedback Software for Small Business of 2024

Here’s my list of 10 employee performance management solution options that include 360 degree feedback solutions for small businesses in 2024. Each piece of software is unique so I’ve mentioned each tool’s best-case for use and trust worthy of its features. I’ve also added the screenshots to give you their user interface too.

1. Trakstar

Trakstar is one of the industry’s leading talent management development tools for HR and best for improving overall efficiency

2. PerformYard

PerformYard’s 360 degree feedback and performance evaluation software provides flexible features to use for HR and a simple employee experience for annual reviews.

3. Leapsome

Leapsome offers an integrated meeting management tool that facilitates the seamless execution of one-on-one or team meetings.

4. Zonka Feedback

Zonka Feedback is a versatile and powerful feedback and customer experience management platform that equips businesses with the tools

5. SpiderGap

SpiderGap is a versatile and user-friendly employee feedback and performance management platform.

6. WorkDove

WorkDove, your go-to HR software provider, offering a modular solution tailored to meet the unique requirements of your business.

7. Peoplebox

Peoplebox stands as a transformative 360-degree feedback software, revolutionizing the employee review process to be more than just a bureaucratic task.

8. 15Five

15Five is a dynamic platform designed to revolutionize employee feedback and performance management.

9. CultureAmp

Culture Amp is a comprehensive employee engagement platform that offers a wide range of performance and development tools.

10. Qualtrics Employee Experience

Qualtrics Employee Experience stands as a robust platform designed to optimize the workplace environment through employee feedback and insights.

What Is 360 Degree Feedback Software?

360-degree feedback platform overall performance opinions contain amassing feedback on an employee from the people who recognize them satisfactory. That consists of their employee, manager, direct reports, crew contributors, and if need external colleagues too. A genuine 360-degree feedback program additionally includes the possibility for employees to offer uphill remarks about their manager.

360 degree feedback tools is the piece of technology that makes the entire system. This kind of software program constructs the use of automation to request feedback from others and creates overall performance evaluations on time.

Overviews Of 10 Best 360 Degree Feedback Software of 2024

Here are the overview of 10 best 360 Degree Feedback Software reviews and demo of startups in 2024 and it help us to manage the employee or manager performance during the annual performance review.

Trakstar is one of the industry’s leading talent management development tools for HR. It is trusted by over 1000’s of companies like Forbes, State Farm, UCSF, Sharp, NRG, Dole, Pepsico, Guitar Center and many more.

Trakstar’s is the market-leading 360-degree feedback capabilities that enable conversations that lead to change, engagement, and employee retention. It delegates growth-minded employees, managers, and workplaces with holistic, meaningful review, survey or feedback. 

PerformYard’s 360 degree feedback and performance evaluation software provides flexible features to use for HR and a simple employee experience for annual reviews. PerformYard gives Tools to your HR teams that they need to build out any 360 degree review strategy while your employees get a streamlined experience so they can focus on quality review and effective performance review discussions.

With PerformYard you can customize the software as per your requirements to fit the strategy that’s right for your organization: workflows, anonymity, nominators, visibility, timing, participants, and sign-offs. Their customers like Mitsubishi chemical, Paytronix, Blue Nile, and more.

Leapsome stands as an all-encompassing solution designed to empower organizations in elevating their management processes. Trusted by industry giants such as Spotify, Northvolt, and Babbel, Leapsome fosters a continuous loop of feedback, performance appraisal, and learning across the entire organizational spectrum.

One of its standout features is the customizable 360-degree review system, which boasts effortless setup. With the flexibility to provide either anonymous or non-anonymous feedback, Leapsome offers access to expertly crafted templates, comprehensive skill frameworks, personalized development pathways, workflow automations, and robust analytics.

In addition, Leapsome offers an integrated meeting management tool that facilitates the seamless execution of one-on-one or team meetings with any team member within your organization. These meetings are driven by meticulously structured agendas and thoughtful talking points, ensuring their effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes. 

Zonka Feedback is a versatile and powerful feedback and customer experience management platform that equips businesses with the tools they need to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. With customizable surveys, multichannel feedback collection, and real-time insights, Zonka enables organizations to understand their customers like never before. This platform empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, swiftly address concerns, and capitalize on opportunities for improvement. Moreover, Zonka Feedback’s integration capabilities, automation tools, and robust reporting features make it an indispensable asset for businesses aiming to boost customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall success.

One of the standout features of Zonka Feedback is its ability to seamlessly gather feedback across multiple channels, both online and offline, ensuring that businesses can capture insights at every customer touchpoint. This holistic approach enables real-time monitoring of customer sentiment and allows organizations to proactively respond to issues or capitalize on positive feedback. With customized reports and dashboards, businesses gain a comprehensive view of their performance, enabling them to make strategic adjustments that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Furthermore, Zonka Feedback isn’t just limited to customer feedback; it also offers employee feedback tools, helping organizations gauge employee satisfaction, engagement, and areas for improvement. By fostering a culture of continuous feedback and improvement, Zonka Feedback supports businesses in their quest to provide exceptional customer experiences, enhance operational efficiency, and ultimately thrive in today’s dynamic business landscape.

SpiderGap is a versatile and user-friendly employee feedback and performance management platform. It’s designed to streamline feedback collection and performance assessment processes for organizations of all sizes. SpiderGap offers a range of valuable features, including customizable surveys, competency frameworks, and analytics tools.

With SpiderGap, businesses can create tailored feedback surveys, enabling managers to gather insights on employee performance, skills, and development needs. The platform’s competency frameworks help define and track key skills and competencies, aiding in identifying areas for improvement and professional growth.

SpiderGap’s real-time analytics provide actionable insights, allowing organizations to make data-driven decisions. Automated reminders and notifications ensure that feedback processes are timely and efficient.

Additionally, SpiderGap promotes employee development by facilitating goal setting and performance discussions. The platform supports ongoing communication between managers and employees, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Overall, SpiderGap empowers organizations to enhance their feedback and performance management processes, leading to improved employee engagement, talent development, and business outcomes. It’s a valuable tool for businesses committed to optimizing their workforce’s potential. 

WorkDove, your go-to HR software provider, offering a modular solution tailored to meet the unique requirements of your business. With a comprehensive suite of tools and applications, WorkDove empowers you to create a customized HR ecosystem that perfectly aligns with your organization’s needs.

At the heart of WorkDove’s offerings is its 360-degree feedback tool, a robust platform designed to streamline the collection, analysis, and exchange of feedback across your entire organization. This tool enables you to gather valuable insights from various perspectives, including peers, subordinates, and supervisors. Additionally, it allows for self-evaluations, helping individuals gauge their own performance against the feedback they receive from others.

Customization is key with WorkDove. You can craft specific questions and construct reusable templates, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the feedback process. The option for anonymous feedback fosters a culture of honesty and transparency, encouraging open communication within your workforce.

But WorkDove doesn’t stop at individual feedback. It extends its functionality to team-level feedback, facilitating a deeper understanding of cross-functional alignment and collaboration. The platform equips you with integrated dashboards and reporting tools, making it effortless to review and act upon feedback data.

For added convenience, WorkDove seamlessly integrates with ADP, further enhancing its compatibility with your existing HR systems. As for pricing, you can request a quote tailored to your organization’s needs, and WorkDove offers a free demo to showcase its capabilities firsthand.

Choose WorkDove to revolutionize your HR processes and elevate your workplace to new heights. With its modular approach and versatile tools, it’s your partner in shaping a more efficient and productive workforce.

Peoplebox stands as a transformative 360-degree feedback software, revolutionizing the employee review process to be more than just a bureaucratic task. It’s a dynamic tool aimed at fostering a culture of continuous improvement and open dialogue within organizations.

One of Peoplebox’s standout features is its unwavering commitment to anonymity. By ensuring that feedback remains confidential, it creates a safe space for candid responses, free from worries of reprisal or prejudice. This emphasis on honesty lays the foundation for a workplace culture characterized by transparency and heightened team engagement and motivation.

What sets Peoplebox apart is its efficiency. It tackles the time-consuming nature of traditional feedback processes head-on, and its integration with Slack is a game-changer. Through Slack, Peoplebox streamlines the entire feedback workflow. Employees can select the individuals from whom they seek feedback, submit the list for managerial approval, and collect feedback seamlessly. Managers benefit from quick progress updates and the option to generate comprehensive PDF reports.

In summary, Peoplebox reimagines feedback as a tool for growth, learning, and team cohesion. By prioritizing anonymity, promoting transparency, and enhancing efficiency, it empowers organizations to create a more meaningful and effective feedback culture.

15Five is a dynamic platform designed to revolutionize employee feedback and performance management. It facilitates a culture of regular check-ins and open communication within organizations, focusing on continuous improvement. With features like customizable surveys, pulse surveys, and real-time insights, 15Five empowers organizations to listen to their employees and foster a more engaged and productive workforce.

Efficiency is at the core of 15Five, making feedback processes quicker and more agile. Its integration with Slack streamlines the feedback workflow, enabling employees to request feedback, gain managerial approval, and collect feedback seamlessly. Managers benefit from quick progress updates and actionable insights, enhancing their ability to drive positive change.

As a comprehensive performance management platform, 15Five offers a range of tools, from check-ins to objectives and key results (OKRs), to foster employee growth and development. By promoting regular communication and goal alignment, 15Five empowers organizations to create a culture of continuous improvement, ultimately leading to a more engaged and motivated team.

Culture Amp is a comprehensive employee engagement platform that offers a wide range of performance and development tools, including their specialized Individual Effectiveness 360 Survey module. Their platform is designed to facilitate a simplified yet effective 360-degree feedback review cycle, making it accessible even for newcomers to this approach. Culture Amp provides built-in templates and helpful instructions on their website to guide users through the process.

One standout feature of Culture Amp’s 360-degree feedback process is its flexibility. It can be configured to be either employee-driven, where individuals request feedback themselves, or admin-driven, initiated by management or HR. Furthermore, employees undergoing the review have the option to involve a Coach, whether it’s their manager, a trusted colleague, or an HR representative. This Coach plays a crucial role in supporting employees, fostering open discussions about feedback, and assisting in defining actionable steps for improvement.

Culture Amp understands the importance of seamless integration within an organization’s existing systems. Therefore, it offers integration capabilities with popular HRIS software such as BambooHR, Workday, SAP SuccessFactors, Namely, Rippling, and Personio. To simplify communication during the feedback process, Culture Amp also integrates with commonly used platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Chrome. For even more customization, they provide an API that can be configured to integrate with various other systems.

While pricing details are available upon request, Culture Amp offers demo videos for interested users, although they may request your contact information for sales purposes. To ensure that their platform aligns with your specific needs, Culture Amp’s website includes a comprehensive support page filled with valuable information on product configuration and usage, making it easier for organizations to make informed decisions before committing to their services.

Qualtrics Employee Experience stands as a robust platform designed to optimize the workplace environment through employee feedback and insights. This comprehensive solution offers a wide array of tools and features tailored to enhance the overall employee experience and drive positive organizational change. From customizable feedback surveys to agile pulse surveys and advanced analytics, Qualtrics empowers organizations to listen to their employees and turn insights into actionable improvements.

Integration is a cornerstone of Qualtrics Employee Experience, allowing seamless connectivity with existing HR systems. This integration streamlines data management, synchronizing feedback data with employee records and ensuring that insights play a central role in HR processes. Whether it’s centralizing data, automating workflows, or enhancing reporting capabilities, integration with HR tools is instrumental in realizing the full potential of Qualtrics.

By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and data-driven decision-making, Qualtrics Employee Experience enables organizations to create a positive workplace culture, boost employee engagement, and ultimately drive business success. Its integration capabilities play a crucial role in simplifying HR operations and maximizing the impact of employee feedback on organizational growth.

360 Degree Feedback Software Selection Criteria

Based on our well research, I can guarantee you that 360 degree review software will be a game-changer for all the HR Software professionals who are still running the performance review cycles for the year and will be very helpful.

To give you belief of in my listicle, here’s a summary of the main software evaluation criteria I used to decide my final selections for the best 360 degree feedback software:

Core Functionalities

When compiling a top 10 list of software for performance management, I begin by establishing fundamental criteria to guide my initial research. To earn a place on my list, software providers must first demonstrate essential functionalities, including:

  1. Performance Data Tracking: The ability to effectively track and store performance management data over time.

  2. Performance Management Features: Providing standalone performance management features or serving as a module within HRIS, HCM, or HRMS software suites.

  3. Multi-Source Feedback: Crucially, the capability to solicit feedback from multiple sources, which is the core purpose of 360-degree feedback software.

These foundational features serve as the basis for creating my initial list. From there, I delve deeper into each system, evaluating additional key features to make informed assessments.

12 Key Features of 360 Degree Feedback System Reviews
    • Multi-rater feedback aggregation
    • Development plans and actionable feedback
    • Upward reviews
    • Visualization tools
    • Templates Scheduling
    • customizations
    • Automations
    • Team review
    • User Interface
    • Usability
    • Software Integrations
    • Value for Price 
Final Thoughts

I hope you will get some ideas regarding our suggested 360-degree feedback software to choose for your needs in 2024. Let me know if you could have any ideas to share please reach out to this email –

What are Some FAQs of 360 Degree Feedback Software Tools

Still wondering to know more about 360-degree feedback software and what it has to offer? Below answers to common FAQs most probably asked by the people:

What does 360 degree feedback mean?

360-degree feedback is a process of review that we can give to employees, teams, customers, supervisors or managers the opportunity to hear from various people they work with to collect the performance insights.

What is a 360-degree feedback process?

A 360-degree feedback process is a comprehensive performance evaluation method that gathers feedback on an individual's performance from multiple sources, including peers, supervisors, subordinates, and self-assessment. It provides a well-rounded perspective on an individual's strengths and areas for improvement, fostering personal and professional development. This holistic approach enhances self-awareness and helps individuals align their performance with organizational goals.

What is 360-degree feedback with example?

360-degree feedback, also known as multi-rater feedback, collects input on an individual's performance from various sources, such as managers, peers, subordinates, and self-assessment. For example, a manager might receive feedback on their leadership skills from their team, superiors, and themselves.

What are the benefits of 360 degree feedback?

Using a 360-degree feedback tool is the process of collecting data, automatically generating results and providing comparable reports. It's an important tool to analyse employee performance to execute the 360 degree feedback systems.

  • Increases Self-Awareness
  • Offers Objective Evaluation
  • Reduces Workplace Bias
  • Emphasises Employee Development
  • Improves Decision making
  • Improves Working Relationships
  • Creates Open Culture
  • Enhance Performance
  • Promotes Team Building
  • Clarifies Behaviours
  • Lower employee turnover and higher engagement
What should be included in 360-degree feedback?
    • Communication skills
    • Interpersonal/soft skills
    • Collaboration and teamwork
    • Leadership and management capabilities
    • Innovation and creative abilities
    • Business goals/desired culture being lived out

Why 360-degree feedback tool is important?

360 degree feedback shows how the employee work from and review from various sources to make individual contributor of employee growth and development

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Best HR Software Solution

HR managers have a lot of tasks, from managing payroll to attendance to learning and development. The best HR software allows you to consolidate all your HR functions and manage them in one system.

What is HR Software?

The cloud-based HR software optimizes and manages all HR-related tasks and enhances the human resource team’s productivity.

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