80+ Drive For Results Self Appraisal Comments for Performance Evaluation
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80+ Drive For Results Self Appraisal Comments for Performance Evaluation

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The annual performance evaluation is a crucial opportunity for self-reflection and growth. To make the most of this time, crafting impactful self-appraisal comments is essential. These comments showcase your achievements, highlight areas for improvement, and demonstrate your commitment to professional development.

However, creating effective self-appraisal comments can be challenging. You need to be honest and self-aware, yet also positive and proactive. The “80 Points Drive for Results” framework can guide you through this process.

5 Key Results to drive for Self Appraisal Comments in Performance Evaluation Feedback

1. Identify Key Achievements:

  • Begin by identifying your top achievements during the review period. Quantify these achievements whenever possible using specific metrics, data, or examples.
  • Focus on accomplishments directly related to your job responsibilities and goals set during the previous review period.
  • Use strong action verbs to describe your contributions, such as “spearheaded,” “implemented,” “developed,” or “exceeded.”


  • “Increased customer satisfaction by 15% by implementing a new training program for customer service representatives.”
  • “Successfully managed and completed three major projects within budget and ahead of schedule.”
  • “Developed and launched a new marketing campaign that resulted in a 20% increase in website traffic.”

2. Demonstrate Initiative and Problem-Solving:

  • Go beyond simply listing your tasks and responsibilities. Highlight specific instances where you demonstrated initiative, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
  • Describe how you identified challenges, developed solutions, and overcame obstacles to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Emphasize your ability to work independently and take ownership of your work.


  • “Identified a bottleneck in the production process and streamlined it, resulting in a 10% increase in efficiency.”
  • “Proactively developed and implemented a new sales strategy that led to a 15% increase in revenue.”
  • “Resolved a complex customer complaint through calm and professional communication, resulting in positive feedback and continued business.”

3. Embrace Feedback and Continuous Learning:

  • No one is perfect. Acknowledge areas where you can improve and demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning and development.
  • Focus on areas directly related to your role and goals, and express your desire to acquire new skills or knowledge.
  • Be specific about your development goals and outline concrete steps you will take to achieve them.


  • “I am committed to improving my public speaking skills and plan to enroll in a presentation skills workshop.”
  • “I recognize the need to strengthen my knowledge of the latest industry trends and will actively attend relevant webinars and conferences.”
  • “I am open to constructive feedback and appreciate any suggestions for improvement from my colleagues and superiors.”

4. Quantify Your Impact:

  • Wherever possible, quantify the impact of your work. This demonstrates the value you bring to the organization and your contribution to its success.
  • Use metrics, data, or specific examples to show how your efforts translated into tangible results for the company.
  • Highlight any cost savings, revenue increases, or improvements in efficiency achieved through your work.


  • “My project management skills saved the company an estimated $10,000 in project costs.”
  • “My marketing campaign led to the acquisition of 50 new customers, exceeding the set target by 20%.”
  • “My efforts in streamlining the onboarding process reduced employee turnover by 15% in the past year.”

5. Focus on the Future:

  • Conclude your self-appraisal by outlining your goals for the upcoming year. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Demonstrate your continued commitment to your role and your eagerness to take on new challenges and responsibilities.
  • Express your desire to further contribute to the success of the organization and your dedication to professional growth.


  • “I am excited to take on the challenge of leading the new marketing campaign and am confident that I can exceed expectations.”
  • “I am committed to developing my leadership skills and plan to participate in a mentorship program within the company.”
  • “I am dedicated to the success of this organization and am eager to contribute to its continued growth and development.”

Additional Tips:

  • Use clear and concise language throughout your self-appraisal comments.
  • Proofread your comments carefully for any grammatical errors or typos.
  • Be confident and assertive in your tone.
  • Be honest and transparent in your self-assessment.
  • Keep your comments focused on your professional achievements and goals.

Self-Appraisal Comments: A Guide to Effective Communication

Crafting impactful self-appraisal comments is crucial for maximizing the value of your performance evaluation. These comments showcase your achievements, highlight areas for improvement, and demonstrate your commitment to professional development.

Here’s a guide to help you write effective self-appraisal comments based on different aspects:


  • Highlight clear communication: “I consistently ensure clear communication of objectives and targets to my team members, fostering a collaborative and informed environment.”
  • Emphasize cross-departmental communication: “I effectively convey my messages across departments, ensuring alignment and synergy in achieving organizational goals.”
  • Showcase constructive feedback: “I offer feedback and suggestions to team members in a thoughtful and supportive manner, promoting individual and team growth.”
  • Demonstrate conflict resolution skills: “I approach sensitive situations with empathy and understanding, resolving conflicts constructively and maintaining positive relationships.”
  • Underline information sharing: “I actively share relevant information and updates with colleagues and managers, ensuring transparency and collaboration.”
  • Focus on stakeholder communication: “I communicate progress or changes proactively, keeping stakeholders informed and engaged.”
  • Celebrate success: “I acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of colleagues, fostering a positive and supportive team environment.”
  • Recognize areas for improvement: “While I strive for clarity, I acknowledge that I can sometimes be unclear in my communication. I will actively seek feedback and improve my communication skills through training or mentorship.”
  • Embrace difficult conversations: “I am committed to engaging in difficult conversations constructively and effectively, addressing issues head-on with a positive and solution-oriented mindset.”
  • Highlight interpersonal skills: “My strong communication skills enable me to build rapport and establish positive relationships with colleagues across all levels.”

Job Performance:

  • Express passion and dedication: “I take immense pride in my work and find satisfaction in exceeding expectations.”
  • Go beyond responsibilities: “I actively seek opportunities to contribute beyond my core duties, demonstrating initiative and commitment.”
  • Quantify achievements: “I consistently exceed performance goals, exceeding targets by X% in the past year.”
  • Emphasize teamwork: “I foster a collaborative and inclusive work environment, encouraging team participation and shared success.”
  • Highlight specific results: “My efforts directly led to a Y% decrease in website bounce rate, enhancing user engagement.”
  • Embrace challenges: “I am always eager to take on new and challenging assignments, expanding my skillset and contributing to diverse projects.”
  • Offer support: “I actively support my colleagues, providing assistance and guidance whenever needed.”
  • Promote open communication: “I create an open and transparent environment where feedback is encouraged and valued.”
  • Demonstrate leadership skills: “I effectively manage and motivate my team, leading to improved performance and team cohesion.”

Customer Experience:

  • Handle difficult customers: “I possess the skills to de-escalate challenging customer situations through effective communication and empathy.”
  • Actively listen to concerns: “I actively listen to customer concerns and provide solutions that address their specific needs.”
  • Offer clear and concise information: “I ensure that customers have access to accurate and timely information, enhancing their overall experience.”
  • Track positive feedback: “My efforts have resulted in an 80% increase in positive customer feedback during the past year.”
  • Strive for continuous improvement: “I am constantly seeking ways to improve the customer experience, ensuring their satisfaction and loyalty.”
  • Empathize with customers: “I approach customer interactions with empathy and understanding, creating a positive and memorable experience.”

Innovation and Creativity:

  • Seek innovative solutions: “I constantly seek out new and innovative ways to improve processes and achieve goals.”
  • Invest in professional development: “I am committed to continuous learning and actively seek out training and resources to enhance my skills and knowledge.”
  • Collaborate for creative solutions: “I actively collaborate with colleagues to brainstorm and implement creative solutions to complex challenges.”
  • Stay informed about advancements: “I remain updated on the latest trends, innovations, and developments within my field.”
  • Plan for future growth: “I have a clear vision for my career development and am actively pursuing opportunities to expand my skillset and experience.”
  • Adapt to changing circumstances: “I am quick to learn and adapt to new situations, finding creative solutions to overcome challenges.”
  • Embrace lifelong learning: “I believe that learning is a lifelong journey and am always eager to acquire new knowledge and skills.”
  • Offer original ideas: “I approach each challenge with a fresh perspective, bringing creative ideas and solutions to the table.”

Reliability and Work Ethic:

  • Demonstrate commitment: “I am deeply committed to my work and consistently deliver high-quality results.”
  • Manage time effectively: “I plan my work effectively and consistently meet
  • Meet deadlines consistently: “I meet deadlines consistently and deliver projects on time and within budget.”
  • Communicate proactively: “I proactively communicate any potential delays or roadblocks to ensure smooth project execution.”
  • Maintain professionalism: “I uphold professional standards in all my interactions and conduct.

Performance Improvement:

  • Identify areas for development: “I am constantly seeking feedback and identifying areas where I can improve my skills and performance.”
  • Plan for improvement: “I have developed a concrete plan for improvement, including specific goals and action steps.”
  • Embrace learning opportunities: “I am open to learning new things and actively seek out opportunities to develop my skills and knowledge.”
  • Seek feedback and guidance: “I value feedback and actively seek guidance from mentors and colleagues to improve my performance.”
  • Demonstrate a growth mindset: “I believe that everyone can improve and am committed to continuous learning and development.”
  • Take responsibility for mistakes: “I acknowledge my mistakes and take responsibility for them, learning from them and implementing improvements.”
  • Openly discuss weaknesses: “I am comfortable discussing my weaknesses with my manager and colleagues, seeking their support and guidance.”
  • Apply feedback effectively: “I actively apply feedback to improve my performance and achieve my goals.”
  • Develop stronger time management skills: “While I am generally good at managing my time, I recognize that I can improve my efficiency and focus on tasks that have the highest impact.”
  • Strengthen public speaking skills: “I am comfortable presenting information to small groups, but I aim to improve my public speaking skills to effectively communicate to larger audiences.”
  • Embrace new approaches: “While I have established working methods, I am open to exploring new and innovative approaches to enhance my performance.”
  • Share ideas more broadly: “I am comfortable sharing ideas with close colleagues, but I plan to actively contribute to broader discussions and share my insights with the entire team.”

Additional Tips:

  • Quantify your achievements whenever possible.
  • Use strong action verbs to describe your contributions.
  • Focus on your accomplishments directly related to your job responsibilities and goals.
  • Be honest and transparent in your self-assessment.
  • Keep your comments focused and concise.
  • Proofread your comments carefully for any errors.
  • Deliver your self-appraisal confidently and professionally.


Writing self-appraisal comments can be tedious and lengthy, but it’s crucial for personal and company growth. Here are some phrases to help you craft impactful comments for your next performance review.

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